Participation of Dr. Noemi Linares and Dr. Elena Serrano in the “European Researchers’ night 2022”

The university of Alicante organised for the 4th time the European Researchers’ night. This event is held since 2018, the last two editions were organised virtually but in 2022 the event was held again face – to – face.

Dr. Noemi Linares and Dr. Elena Serrano participated in this event at the “Amazing Materials” stand (organised by Prof. Mercedes Pastor, UA) of the Science Fair open to the whole society.

This activity, which is part of the MEDNIGHT Goes To School 2022 Discover our program and COME LIVE SCIENCE! @UAdivulga @MEDNIGHTGTS @FECYT, was held on 30 September 2022 at the UA Campus in San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante, Spain).

More than 600 people from the UA, including researchers, students and support staff, participated in this Science Fair.
