Kick-off meeting for Photo-CD Project, funded by MCIN/AEI and FEDER, UE

The partners of Photo-CD have met virtually on September 22nd to kick-start the project, which will last three years.

Photo-CD deals with the development of novel hybrid tuneable materials that will form the basis for the next generation of Photonics devices for sensing and photocatalytic applications.

The consortium is made up two partners with complementary expertise: the Molecular Nanotechnology Lab of the University of Alicante, which will work on the materials design, synthesis and characterization, and the FOTOAIR group of the University of Castilla-La-Mancha (UCLM), which will focus on the photo and electronic features of the designed advanced materials as well as their applications supported by the Molecular Imaging and Photonics group of the KULeuven.